The movie screenshot game continues! The last round was won by my cousin Jonathan, and I’m being kind enough to host it. Rules in Mark’s post as usual.

I’d like to say that I also knew which movie was featured in Justin’s round, and chose not to say it because of my previous shame with this game. I find it quite amusing the tiptoeing around the knowledge of the answers. Let’s see how this one goes, shall we?
Update: Instant win for Beth, who correctly ascertained that the movie in question was Cry-Baby! Stay tuned for the next round!
I have yet to see this one, but from the looks of it, I’d guess Cry Baby. it looks like a John Waters movie and I definitely see Johnny Depp in that picture.
Cry-Baby is correct!
Are you hosting the next round Alex? Just curious, as it doesn’t look like Beth has a blog…
As far as I can see, I never heard back from Beth. I’ll host a new round of my own choosing tonight, I suppose.