Bleach – episode 57

November 10, 2005 on 10:11 am | In Bleach | 1 Comment

There is some good, worthy material in this episode, but more than half of it is a pace killer, and one quarter is utterly, utterly pointless.

The fight between Yoruichi and Soi Fong continues, but is then broken up by a flashback to their meeting that takes up half of the episode. There is then a stupid fight for Ikkaku, which seems to have been inserted for time despite the fact that there are two other important fights going on at the moment. Finally, for three whole minutes we get Ichigo versus Byakuya.

Somehow I’ve managed to divide this episode of Bleach into fractions, so you know what you’re going to be getting for your “money”:

1/2 Flashback
1/4 Ikkaku time wasting
1/8 Resolution
1/8 Ichigo versus Byakuya

It’s not exactly the most worthwhile of splitups, because flashbacks totally kill any momentum that Bleach has going for itself. To add insult to this, the flashback gives context to the relationship of Soi Fong and Yoruichi, but gives no reason for Yoruichi’s departure; the kind of flashback that reveals something but ultimately offers nothing.
The scene that occurs directly after the flashback is the shiniest part of the episode, but there’s so much rough for it to be surrounded by; I’ll admit that the relationship between Yoruichi and Soi Fong that is manifested in the present day parts of this episode was somewhat akin to tenderness, and that I enjoyed it.

I’m not even going to bother writing about the Ikkaku fight as I felt insulted by its conclusion. The characters aren’t even into the fight, and the time spent there could have been more wisely spent elsewhere, preferably on Ichigo versus Byakuya; Yamamoto versus the two captains would clutter the episode again.

So we’ve been waiting on this Ichigo Byakuya fight for how long now? Forever. I give Byakuya credit for being honest about Ichigo impressing him but he should be well over it by now and ready to fight rather than toy. I would like to know what the heck Byakuya’s problem is, but that would be difficult without invoking a major flashback that somehow occurs in the middle of a fight.

By the way, anyone got any idea what the poorly animated omake at the end of each episode is supposed to prove?

1 Comment

  1. Come on, dont you think Soi Fong is hot? Shes like … so hot.

    Comment by MattC — November 11, 2005 #

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