Gokinjo Monogatari – episode 2
May 12, 2006 on 11:38 pm | In Gokinjo Monogatari | 2 Comments“He is my childhood friend!”
You know what I love about this show? They don’t even try to make Shishido Rumi’s singing voice sound good. It makes the whole project fit into the understated mid-nineties scheme: full of heart, low of budget.
Gokinjo Monogatari (Neighbourhood Story) – episode 1
April 2, 2006 on 10:37 pm | In Gokinjo Monogatari | 1 Comment“The Person I like!”
Ten years before Kobayashi Osamu came along and made the sometimes interesting yet deeply flawed Paradise Kiss, another of Yazawa Ai’s manga was adapted for TV. Gokinjo Monogatari is a prequel of sorts to Paradise Kiss, in that they share several characters and the same design school.
There the similarities apparently end, because Gokinjo Monogatari has a very positive feeling about it and endearingly eccentric characters. In Mikako and Tsutomu we have been given a relationship that doesn’t look like there is any room for wankery; it’s all very flowery, but is a great example of minimalistic mid-nineties style.
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