Shadow Skill OVA series 1 + 2

July 30, 2006 on 10:41 pm | In Shadow Skill | Comments Off on Shadow Skill OVA series 1 + 2

One of my weaknesses is the “meaningless nineties OVA”. In that decade that gets further away all the time, there were so many projects based on manga that didn’t make any sense to people who hadn’t read the source material. To compound the insult to westerners, a great deal of them didn’t even complete the stories that they began.

Shadow Skill is a combination of the best and the worst of the meaningless genre. This DVD is actually four OVAs, one that was released as stand alone and three (edited into one ninety minute “movie” that has clearly defined breaks) released a year later.
The first is pointless but looks good and gives off an aura of pleasantness despite the fact that nothing happens. The sequel series not only drops one of its character designers to become a force of ugliness, it also has a different continuity to the first, which is ironic because it was made on the strength of the sales of the first.

I’ll admit that my other weakness is cheap anime: I got this for $9. At $30 I would never have thought of it. Now it goes on the pile of curios and oddities also known as the “Nineties OVA scrap heap”.

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