Licences, you say?
September 24, 2006 on 4:26 pm | In Anime Industry News, Coyote Ragtime Show | 3 CommentsFarewell, Coyote Ragtime Show. I’ll be catching up with you when ADV unleashes you onto a suspecting public.
Coyote Ragtime Show – episodes 8-10
September 19, 2006 on 5:44 pm | In Coyote Ragtime Show | 3 Comments“Road to the Gigabanks”, “The Jupiter” and “Angelica Barnes”

Coyote Ragtime Show is a heck of a lot of fun. As it is going, it is changing relationship dynamics in interesting ways and, rather than making them seem inconsistent, they suggest that familiarity breeds … understanding.
Coyote Ragtime Show – episode 7
August 25, 2006 on 12:32 am | In Coyote Ragtime Show | 5 Comments“The Treacherous Marciano”

The ship that our intrepid heroes get about in seems to utilise submarine physics. I’m not sure that any of the stuff in space should react as it does here, even for the sake of creative licence.
The Coyote parts of this episode are strange and pointless by comparison to the great stuff that we get at the hands of Marciano and the Twelve Sisters. Vaguely sympathetic, almost human, developments on that side? I’m okay with that.
Coyote Ragtime Show – episode 6
August 16, 2006 on 11:48 pm | In Coyote Ragtime Show | 3 Comments“Fierce Fighting”

Coyote Ragtime Show is the best anime ever. It awakens in me the primal hollerer, in a fashion akin to that of Black Lagoon. My hollers are directed not just at the ingenuity of the situations but also at the sheer, unbridled, unrealistic adventure on display.
Coyote Ragtime Show – episode 5
August 9, 2006 on 11:26 pm | In Coyote Ragtime Show | 2 Comments“Never Change”

The fun never stops for Mister’s Ragtime Band. Except when Franca is involved, because she seemes to have an unhealthy obsession with abandonment.
All of the characters on this particular wrong side of the law have nothing but noble intentions, so she should just get over it. In the future, everyone will have robot heads in bird cages, and we will be better for it.
Coyote Ragtime Show – episode 4
August 9, 2006 on 11:15 pm | In Coyote Ragtime Show | Comments Off on Coyote Ragtime Show – episode 4“The days that have passed by”

The strange references popping up in anime all over the place continue in this episode of Coyote Ragtime Show, with an inescapable bank vault compared to the Hotel California (“you can check out any time you like but~ you can never leave!”)
Otherwise it’s a heist episode that proves that criminals are only in it for love of the game when they could so easily be leading “real” jobs with their genius.
Coyote Ragtime Show – episode 3
July 31, 2006 on 10:51 pm | In Coyote Ragtime Show | 2 Comments“The Man He Called His Right Arm”

Where better to find a man to recapture the glory of his former best friend but at a faith revival! Everybody happy! Every day happy!
My notes include the line “man, that’s stupid”, but I can’t remember what it applied to. I’m beyond caring, though, because I’m having too much fun.
Coyote Ragtime Show – episode 2
July 30, 2006 on 10:53 pm | In Coyote Ragtime Show | 1 Comment“Little Girl of the Bar Pirate”

Boobs save the day in this episode that reveals that Mister and his merry band are actually the heroes. The first episode was an elaborate ruse!
Coyote Ragtime Show – episode 1
July 30, 2006 on 2:12 am | In Coyote Ragtime Show | 5 Comments“Prison Break”

Giant, twelve-strong stupidity and desperately obvious character set ups mask the fact that, at the end of the episode, Coyote Ragtime Show has some of the hallmarks of a semi-intriguing science fiction program.
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