Shape of the Season

April 12, 2006 on 9:14 pm | In Seasons | 4 Comments

The season is well and truly under way and I don’t think that I can support as many shows as I have been checking out. The two that will definitely stay on my schedule are Nana and Ouran High School Host Club.

The battles are between Kiba, Utawarerumono and Digimon Savers. Girls’ High has probably been dumped, if only for the fact that there is no way in heck I can get away with watching something like that in the library.
I have a feeling that Digimon Savers is going to stay because of my irrationality. The other two will probably be decided by their second or third episodes. There’s some other stuff that hasn’t been subbed yet that I’ll probably check out; I might decide that Kiba or Utawarerumono isn’t worth my time.

Oh! Totally forgot that I’m watching Zegapain. That’s staying because I want some modern mech in my diet.

I’m also not certain if I should watch the Nana movie, because maybe I don’t want to know how the story for the anime is going to go. I mean, nothing’s stopping me from watching it later, is there?

Update: Garten reminded me that I’m an idiot and didn’t make any mention of Suzumiya Haruhi.

The list of definites stands at Ouran High School Host Club, Nana, Zegapain and The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi. Now someone else is guaranteed to come up to me and say “what about that other show you really liked?” and I’ll just give up and go home.

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