Everything Right is Wrong Again – episodes 13 and 14

July 20, 2006 on 1:07 am | In Suzumiya Haruhi | 4 Comments

“The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi V”


“The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi VI”

Regardless of what I have said about The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi in the past, I will say this now: the conclusion goes up in the Alexian Anime Conclusion Hall of Fame for being made of fantacularity.

Spoilers within!

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Haruhi Stardust – episode 12

June 27, 2006 on 11:56 pm | In Suzumiya Haruhi | 3 Comments

“Live A Live”

Haruhi played guitar
Jamming good with Kyon and Yuki
– The girl from the stars

Wow, in the preview for the next episode Kyon admits that the story will progress! Still, that matters not in the face of this offering, which features Haruhi very briefly coming to understand the concepts of humility and generosity.

Continue reading Haruhi Stardust – episode 12…

The Star Craft of the Irresponsible Commander – episode 11

June 18, 2006 on 1:35 am | In Suzumiya Haruhi | 6 Comments

“Day of Sagittarius”

Turns out our friend Kyon is the real commander of the SOS Brigade. Of course, you already knew that. What could have been a very boring video game episode becomes interesting through its apt use of visual metaphor and Yuki’s attempts at fun.

Continue reading The Star Craft of the Irresponsible Commander – episode 11…

The Not-Quite Second Coming of the Very Naughty Girl – episode 10

June 7, 2006 on 11:13 pm | In Suzumiya Haruhi | 5 Comments

“The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi IV”

The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi tries to win my heart by doing things I’m supposed to love – skipping the OP (instant drama notification!), oversaturating the colours (just like Chris Doyle, but more meaningless! … Or is that less meaningful?) – but, well, action-packed, fantastico first half … then we come to the second half and a lot of the steam runs out. All of that said, though, this was an excellent fourth episode, and the only real time that I’ve minded the episode shifting of this series.

I’m going to admit right here: I no longer think I am qualified to discuss Haruhi. She has grown too big and will destroy our universe.
Don’t think I won’t try, though … masochist, remember?

Spoilers inside

Continue reading The Not-Quite Second Coming of the Very Naughty Girl – episode 10…

The Backlash of Excitable Fans – episode 9

June 5, 2006 on 7:08 pm | In Suzumiya Haruhi | 12 Comments

“Someday in the Rain”

It’s hilarious just how much fan backlash there seems to be surrounding this episode. Almost enough hilarity to make me sick!
Our beloved studio Kyoto Animation outdoes themselves by not having enough script to fill 23 minutes, and thus they literally give three of them away. All air time must go!

Continue reading The Backlash of Excitable Fans – episode 9…

Repetitive Strain Injury – episode 8

May 28, 2006 on 1:45 am | In Suzumiya Haruhi | Comments Off on Repetitive Strain Injury – episode 8

“Remote Island Syndrome (II)”

You’d think that it was a good thing for Mikuru to spend a whole episode unconscious, but she makes painful Gooto Yuko sounds in her sleep. Clearly the most annoying thing about this program.

Continue reading Repetitive Strain Injury – episode 8…

Scarab healed your wounds! – episode 7

May 18, 2006 on 10:20 pm | In Suzumiya Haruhi | 1 Comment

“Mystérique Sign”

I no longer care that they didn’t immediately conclude the “Remote Island Syndrome” story, because this was infinitely better. It’s not so much a side story as it is an actual complement to the series, and hey! Look at this! Haruhi isn’t the heroine after all!

Continue reading Scarab healed your wounds! – episode 7…

Beach Blanket Bunnygirl – episode 6

May 12, 2006 on 11:26 pm | In Suzumiya Haruhi | Comments Off on Beach Blanket Bunnygirl – episode 6

“Remote Island Syndrome”

So, we’re all well acquainted with the fact that the main story of The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi is being stretched across this series, with stories taken from other books in between.
Judging by the preview, this two parter won’t be resolved until the episode after next! You can’t leave us hanging on a fluffy murder mystery, folks: it’s just fluff, after all!

Continue reading Beach Blanket Bunnygirl – episode 6…

Time Travellin’ Space Potato – episode 5

May 9, 2006 on 11:51 pm | In Suzumiya Haruhi | Comments Off on Time Travellin’ Space Potato – episode 5

“The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi 3”

I’ve laid low on writing about this episode of this top secret show because I needed time for my non-existent evil plans to come to fruition.

Actually, this is really good stuff right here that even justifies the existence of Mikuru and her godawful voice, and for that I am grateful. It’s just a pity that the real world so significantly dampened my enthusiasm for this adventure.

Remember, folks: she’s not the messiah, she’s a very naughty girl.

The concept of Suzumiya Haruhi revealed at last!

Continue reading Time Travellin’ Space Potato – episode 5…

The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi – episode 4

April 26, 2006 on 11:38 pm | In Suzumiya Haruhi | 2 Comments

“The Boredom of Suzumiya Haruhi”

“The Boredom of Suzumiya Haruhi”

Finally, the inexplicable fandom can be explained: The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi as a contextless magical SF show, it flat out rocks. I was concerned about the time skipping that telling this, the second book, implied, but it actually makes the show that much more compelling. The baseball story of this episode isn’t nearly as interesting as the mystery that surrounds it.

Continue reading The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi – episode 4…

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