August 27, 2006 on 11:17 pm | In Curios, Rose of Versailles | 5 CommentsÂ

My good friend Kim alerted me to something she’s had sitting around for a while: a back page advertisement for a Daihatsu car, promoted by Oscar and Andre from Rose of Versailles! (Click on it for the full page ad; it’s 619kb and a huge resolution.)
It’s strange in my mind that Ikeda Ryoko is fine with this, but objects to people cosplaying as her characters. I suppose that the world needs to know about roomy cars that can be contracted.
My friend Raymond and I pieced together a basic translation of the dialogue, which goes something like this.
Oscar: ANDREEE!!
Andre: OSCARRR!!ÂOscar: Ah, if only I could, I would trade this life and become a bird … If I could become a bird, I would go to you … Ah, Andre, my love.
Andre: Ah … Oscar! The wide space between the two of us can be bridged like thousands of light years across this boundless universe.
We’re not certain of that, and that can probably be corrected, but Andre and Oscar have taken a break from fighting for the rights of the proletariat to sit in a car.
If only they had realised that the seats were adjustable, they could have got together and averted the horrible fall out of the French Revolution!
Kimagure Orange Road – episodes 25-36
August 27, 2006 on 10:43 pm | In Kimagure Orange Road | 1 CommentKimagure Orange Road went out with a strangely apocalyptic bang! I like the approach to the conclusion that they took here, with no attention paid to any sort of epilogue: that’s the job of the movie, I Want to Return to that Day. Here we just get sweetness and light. There was adventure before that, too!
I therefore proclaim Kimagure Orange Road to be excellent eighties-vintage anime.
I can’t believe that was the last of the Jingoro.
Nana – episode 19
August 27, 2006 on 10:37 pm | In Nana | 3 Comments
Nana works because many of its revelations are not particularly surprising to the audience but they are to the characters, and that’s what matters: reaction. Well, reaction in something that’s not shounen, where it is nothing but a way to cover the lack of material on offer.
Episode end spoiler
Coyote Ragtime Show – episode 7
August 25, 2006 on 12:32 am | In Coyote Ragtime Show | 5 Comments“The Treacherous Marciano”

The ship that our intrepid heroes get about in seems to utilise submarine physics. I’m not sure that any of the stuff in space should react as it does here, even for the sake of creative licence.
The Coyote parts of this episode are strange and pointless by comparison to the great stuff that we get at the hands of Marciano and the Twelve Sisters. Vaguely sympathetic, almost human, developments on that side? I’m okay with that.
Kiba – episode 21
August 24, 2006 on 6:22 pm | In Kiba | 3 Comments“An Unforgettable Memory”
“Roia goes out of character in the pursuit of a story!”

The modeling of this episode implies to me that they’re not even trying with Kiba any more. The key audience is now clearly people who don’t know how to stop themselves, and will watch regardless of quality.
Spoilers (courtesy warning, because as if you care)
Honey & Clover II – episode 8
August 23, 2006 on 12:39 am | In Honey and Clover | 1 Comment“We had no idea”

Revenge is bitter and unsatisfactory.
Digimon Savers – episode 14
August 22, 2006 on 10:10 pm | In Digimon Savers | Comments Off on Digimon Savers – episode 14“Ikuto, the Digimon Boy
The forest’s keeper, Jureimon”

I think that people underestimate how much the dialogue in Digimon Savers sticks. It’s jingoistic and designed to fire you up, in a good way.
This episode offers such gems as “I want to believe in those children and their unlimited potential”, which is nowhere near as good as this:
Nothing’s impossible for a man when he’s put his entire soul into his fist!
If you can write better than that, I don’t want to know about it.
Spoilers: What is Masaru’s father’s secret?
Digimon Savers – episode 13
August 22, 2006 on 10:10 pm | In Digimon Savers | Comments Off on Digimon Savers – episode 13“Masaru’s New Power
Evolve, Rise Greymon”

Let’s go to the Digital World! With this sort of declaration made at the end of an episode, you can tell that we’re about to head into the next stage of the story.
The story that we get here is a little girl’s impassioned plea for peace, and several traditional story devices.
Where is the creator?
Nana – episodes 17 and 18
August 22, 2006 on 10:09 pm | In Nana | 6 Comments
The good thing about getting another dose of Nana is that you remember how much you love it. I’ll admit that it’s not a series I think about when I’m not watching it or writing about it, but if I had the time to think about every series I was watching all the time, my head would probably explode from data overload.
In these two episodes we get more great Nana stuff. While Hachi is the more open character, Nana is the one who has the more interesting back story. Hachi is a good narrative tool for blasting thedoor to that world wide open.
Digimon Savers – episode 12
August 22, 2006 on 10:08 pm | In Digimon Savers | Comments Off on Digimon Savers – episode 12“I will protect Chika! Piyomon’s Resolve”

With the introduction of an ultra villain Digimon, Digimon Savers proves that it loves me. I call it the “Aww yeah” factor.
Mild spoilers
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