Bokura Ga Ita – episode 2
August 15, 2006 on 10:20 pm | In Bokura ga Ita | 4 Comments
Angry Nanami is a cause for celebration. Hilarious celebration! This episode covers a lot of ground, from one sided like to fights of pride and honour to a loss of like, to implied mutual like. As others have noted an entire season’s worth of material in a scant 20 minutes.
Bokura Ga Ita (we are here) – episode 1
August 4, 2006 on 1:07 am | In Bokura ga Ita | 3 Comments“…”

We are here! Daichi Akitaro’s new effort is a bit too restrained in its colours for my liking, but it’s still good. In fact, the whole thing is very restrained: animation, voice acting, character.
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