Mushishi – episode 25
September 13, 2006 on 12:14 am | In Mushishi | 2 Comments“Fortune Eye and Misfortune Eye”
It’s fitting that an episode about vision is particularly beautiful.
Mushishi – episode 24
August 9, 2006 on 11:23 pm | In Mushishi | 3 Comments“Bound for Bonfire Field”
What I love about Mushishi is that almost every episode is the “best episode yet”. This episode was positively cinematic in its execution and proves once and for all that fire is bad.
Mushishi – episode 23
July 23, 2006 on 10:45 pm | In Mushishi | 1 Comment“The Sound of Rust”
Rust never sleeps.
Mushishi – episode 22
July 20, 2006 on 1:10 am | In Mushishi | 6 Comments“The offshore shrine”
Another excellent episode of the show that justifies all anime love.
Ginko comes to an island like Heaven and discovers a case of nature versus nurture, and of mushishi versus the natural order of life. This is one of the more morally ambiguous episodes of Mushishi.
Spoilers within
Mushishi – episode 21
June 6, 2006 on 11:11 pm | In Mushishi | Comments Off on Mushishi – episode 21“The Cotton Hat”
Hard to believe that Mushishi was only two months ago, isn’t it? It seems longer because in the time between episodes I have watched roughly 177 episodes of other shows. Which, now that I’ve done the calculations, is pretty effing insane. Where the Hell did that time come from?*
Anyway, that’s not the point. The point is that Ginko is back with a vengeance, and he’s not going to let your peasant sympathies get in his way. Ginko is a placebo for the world, who can tell someone one thing while meaning another. As long as his deceptions are not discovered, there are no problems.
Mushishi – episode 20
April 2, 2006 on 4:39 pm | In Mushishi | 3 Comments“A Sea of Brushes”
I miss Ginko already. He’ll be back in May for six more episodes, so it’s not all bad.
Mushishi – episode 19
March 27, 2006 on 2:24 pm | In Mushishi | Comments Off on Mushishi – episode 19“String from the Heavens”
Another superlative episode of Mushishi, this time about faith, scepticism and the invisible.Â
Mushishi – episode 18
March 24, 2006 on 6:41 am | In Mushishi | Comments Off on Mushishi – episode 18“The robe that embraces a mountain”
I’m not entirely sure how you can have an uplifting episode of Mushishi when there are so many deaths involved. Somehow, this is that episode. It deals with success, nostalgia, block, exile, acceptance and rehabilitation in an admirable fashion.
Mushishi – episode 17
March 23, 2006 on 9:31 pm | In Mushishi | Comments Off on Mushishi – episode 17“The Hollow Cocoon Pickerâ€
Did you ever wonder how, given that he has no fixed address, Ginko receives all of these letters asking for help? The answer is provided in this episode, a triumph over adversity.
Continue reading Mushishi – episode 17…
Mushishi – episode 16
March 23, 2006 on 9:25 pm | In Mushishi | Comments Off on Mushishi – episode 16“The Daybreak Snakeâ€
The first episode of Mushishi with no real conclusion: a life lived a day at a time, and a meditation on the value of memory.
Continue reading Mushishi – episode 16…
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