Dragon Ball: episodes 46-57
March 30, 2007 on 2:08 pm | In Dragon Ball | Comments Off on Dragon Ball: episodes 46-57“General Blue Saga”
Oh, I’ll give you romantic, all right.
Dragon Ball skirts controversial territory with a trip to an ancient yet high tech pirate cave, a cross over with Dr. Slump that makes little to no sense to those unfamiliar with the source material, and the introduction of a very busy villain: Aryan SS officer narcissist psychic homosexual, General Blue.
Yeah. Good work there.
Continue reading Dragon Ball: episodes 46-57…
Dragon Ball: episodes 29-45
March 28, 2007 on 12:19 pm | In Dragon Ball | 1 Comment“Red Ribbon Army Saga”
Thus we reach the point where Dragon Ball becomes less easy to categorise into arcs. I think that the DVDs are more arbitrarily divided at this point, considering that this particular quest for the Dragon Balls doesn’t end until episode 75.
I’m still having a good time, but the times aren’t as good as they once were.
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