Utawarerumono – episode 7
May 23, 2006 on 10:40 pm | In Utawarerumono | 1 Comment“Advance towards the emperor”
There’s nothing like a mob and, this being so, this story arc comes to an end. New characters! New situations! Thrills and excitement!
Utawarerumono – episode 6
May 16, 2006 on 11:46 pm | In Utawarerumono | 5 Comments“The Assembled Powers”
In his book Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Douglass describes a slaveholder who dealt pre-emptive beatings to his slaves in order to keep them obedient.
This has always sounded stupid to me, and this is precisely what Emperor Inkara is: an idiot. Normally in anime, when you see both sides of a conflict in their planning stages, you can get some sort of positive spin on the enemy. Not so here.
Oh, and you really can tell that Utawarerumono is based on an H game, can’t you?
Utawarerumono – episode 5
May 10, 2006 on 10:58 pm | In Utawarerumono | 2 Comments“The Daughter of the Forest”
Okay, what the heckfire was up with this? There were a couple of inexplicable “comedy” scenes, a deus ex machina situation and … Mukuru has become Chewbacca.
The actual plot building was good, but … nothing can prepare you for the terror of Mukuru attempting to breastfeed from Eruruu. I knew it was coming beforehand, and I was still freaked out of my mind.
Utawarerumono – episode 4
May 1, 2006 on 7:26 pm | In Utawarerumono | Comments Off on Utawarerumono – episode 4“The path of no return”
Wars begin! Lives will not be spared! Utawarerumono begins down the inexorable path to endless battle! Fight or be massacred!
Episode spoiler within
Utawarerumono – episode 3
April 25, 2006 on 12:08 am | In Utawarerumono | 1 Comment“Purple amber”
New characters all around, but can we trust them? After all, they threaten to kill Hakuoru just for walking a path at night. It’s good that we get new members of what looks to be an incredibly large cast, though; I ain’t complaining.
Utawarerumono – episode 2
April 19, 2006 on 12:15 am | In Utawarerumono | Comments Off on Utawarerumono – episode 2“The Violent King of the Forest”
Yep, that king of the forest sure is violent, all right. I don’t know why I was reluctant to watch this second episode, because it actually turned out to be quite compelling. I suppose that I’m slowly getting over the animal people and coming to enjoy a story of man’s uneasy symbiosis with religion.
Utawarerumono (the one being sung) – episode 1
April 11, 2006 on 8:43 pm | In Utawarerumono | Comments Off on Utawarerumono (the one being sung) – episode 1“Something uninvited”
Utawarerumono somehow manages to be presented in an utterly generic fashion on one level while offering an intriguing world on another. Personally I don’t agree with people who have animal ears and tails, yet I’m somewhat interested in the outcome of this program.
Continue reading Utawarerumono (the one being sung) – episode 1…
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