Utawarerumono – episode 7

May 23, 2006 on 10:40 pm | In Utawarerumono | 1 Comment

“Advance towards the emperor”

There’s nothing like a mob and, this being so, this story arc comes to an end. New characters! New situations! Thrills and excitement!

The campaigns of Hakuoro succeed with very little in the way of resistance from the men of Inkara. Thus, the humble country of Tusukuru is born.
Which means of course that some winged people want to check it out.

The episode was littered with CG for overhead and distance shots, and the character models for these scenes ran in a weird sort of floaty fashion, as if they were not genuinely connecting with the landscape around them. There were other scenes that looked like bad game CG with lines too bold, but they were few and far between.
The positive aspect of the campaign’s imagery was that a lot of battles were suggested simply through the use of a campaign map with underlaid battle scenes. It was an effective use of time for a series of battles that could have occupied several episodes and tested my patience.

More important than the aesthetic was the execution of this arc’s end: an early battle scene shows that, if you fall, another will take your place. In some contexts this is teamwork, but it is anything but that in the case of killing the Emperor and claiming his throne for yourself.

I think that the men of Inkara’s empire did not have much faith in their leadership, or they simply were incompetent in battle, as the elderly people of Hakuoro’s village were able to win through sheer willpower. United under one man, they wanted to achieve their goals. That Inkara was such a weak individual means that there was no surprise at all that his men would happily surrender upon his death.

I was genuinely happy to see the introduction of new characters and a new situation, but I shall continue to think that Benawi is stupid. Isn’t that the way anime is supposed to be?

1 Comment

  1. Yes, it was a very good episode with great pace and a very wellcome change. I coudn’t take anymore that stupid afro-haired emperor.

    In my P.O.V., it was not really Benawi’s fault because he failed in protect the emperor. He is very dedicated to his country, and the rebelion was made by no other than the country’s people… in other words, those who he swore to protect. Not only that, their cause was fair, revolting against such corrupt ditator who treats them like scum.

    Was only natural he take easy with them. If they were an army invasor from another country, probably the story would be another.

    And anyway, the biggest contribuition to Inbara’s defeat was his own bad decisions in atack innocent people, causing more revolt and throw Benawi to the jail, letting the stupid Nuwangi lead the army in a very stupid campain against Hakuoro, what caused the destruction of the main army.

    Comment by Gilberto I. — May 24, 2006 #

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