Love Hina: Notice of Intent

October 23, 2004 on 11:03 am | In Love Hina | 3 Comments

On the advice that masochism benefits no one, I have decided to drop Love Hina as I couldn’t be bothered. I have too much good anime to bother wasting time on the bad stuff. Seven episodes (and already with the knowledge that I utterly hate the eighth) is enough of a chance, I believe.


  1. ….does it involve M&S? I was planning to watch it, now, never mind.

    Comment by Rainy — October 24, 2004 #

  2. Isn’t it S&M, not the other way around? In anycase, no it doesn’t. My good friend Alex here, just dislikes the series and I told him not to torture himself because masohism isn’t healthy and he has better stuff to watch.

    Comment by Anonymous — November 8, 2004 #

  3. I totally agree with you… i hate this asnime i don’t get how anyone can like this anime it’s NOT funny, NOT romantic and it is SO cliche and SO unoriginal and one of the worst cast of characters since they are so STEROTYPICAL and so POINTLESS!

    Comment by Hikaru — May 11, 2006 #

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