Honey and Clover – episode one

May 8, 2005 on 10:39 pm | In Honey and Clover | Comments Off on Honey and Clover – episode one

This fan sub lark is fun!
I have no idea what this anime is about. I love it, but I have no idea what it is about.
Honey and Clover begins as a story about a group of university students that live in a big old house. They get up to mischief. But then at the end a freaky little blonde girl who looks like she’s four but is actually 18 comes to visit, and now I could not tell you what’s going on.

This episode opens with second year student Takemoto talking about how, when he was young, he would ride his bike and see how far he could get without turning back. Now he is learning to be an artist at a university, and is constantly surprised by the new things that he learns about life.
In this episode, Takemoto is charged with the responsibility of waking housemate Morita in time for his lecture. Morita is a sixth year student who has had to repeat many times because of his poor attendance. Not wanting this on his head, Takemoto goes into a wild panic about being able to wake up his fellow man. Wild antics ensue.

As a university comedy, this is pretty hilarious. If only things were actually like this. Kuroda Yosuke, he of the multitude of supreme hits and low misses, is the script supervisor for this series and the randomness of his attitude shines through. The animation is superb, creating a small paradise for wild face fans.
Then at the end of the episode comes the incredibly short, mostly mute 18 year old girl “Hagu”. This is where confusion comes in; Why is she so short? Why is she here? Why does Takemoto fall instantly in love with such a scary girl-woman?

Hopefully these questions will be answered, because I’m willing to hang around and find out.

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