Honey and Clover – episode two

May 11, 2005 on 9:44 pm | In Honey and Clover | Comments Off on Honey and Clover – episode two

Now I know what this is about, I’m not near so terrified. Honey and Clover seems to be the sort of series that starts with an hilarious over the top episode and settles down to become sweet and coherent.

In this second episode, Hagu-chan shows an active interest in art and generally in being a human being. Presenting her as a person, and taking that freaky ruddy sheen off of her face, makes her much easier to watch. She’s kind of … adorable.
A little bit of distance is required to watch Hagu-chan, though; I still can’t for the life of me figure out why Takemoto, and perhaps even Morita, have deep “love” feelings for her. One has to accept that this is the characters’ universe, where semi-mute short eighteen year old girls can be the object of love from comparatively normal boys of similar age.

Something that is noticed in this episode is that the students are actually supposed to be artists, and that Morita is quite dedicated to his art … in extracurricular contexts, at any rate (how true is this? Oh man …). This series does want to try to scare me, though: this week through the freaky old man who runs the ceramics department. Combine that with the scary cool OP and I’m panicking over here!

All that said, this episode is about character and has little to do with any sort of plot. It has that sort of flow you expect from your normal “slice of life” series and is exactly what I feel I need at this juncture in my own life.
Nice, and not in the bland way that society has constrained to the word to rob it of any meaning. It certainly didn’t make me feel like this.

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