Emma – episode 5

May 11, 2005 on 10:21 pm | In Emma | Comments Off on Emma – episode 5

“Dinner Party”

Another fine episode of Emma, this time with very little William and Hakim, and quite a lot of Kelly Stowner. We are made privvy to the tragic history of Emma’s mistress, a past that explains why she sometimes comes across as cold. A widow at twenty in a society that was not altogether too keen on remarriage would be a difficult thing to be indeed.

This episode is really just a wash of general loveliness, but it foreshadows darker things. Hakim and William’s one scene is particularly awkward, and the maid clearly is dividing them. Emma and Mrs. Stowner surprisingly have an entirely direct conversation, which must be some sort of record.

But really, this series is about the people that Emma observes; the poor girl hardly gets to do anything. It was nice to hear her narration this week. I would not be averse to more of that.

Next week: William’s father inspects the state of London’s maid trade!

Best pub ever.

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