Honey and Clover – episode four
May 29, 2005 on 1:50 am | In Honey and Clover | Comments Off on Honey and Clover – episode four“The boy and girl are swayed”
Honey and Clover has that “feeling” about it. It’s dramatic, but still comedic. Honey and Clover doesn’t make me feel like this, but it is still very good.
I really don’t know what the focus of this series is supposed to be, and that’s a good thing. From the start you’re supposed to believe it is Takemoto’s show, because he does the narration. Now he just pops in and Mayama is at the fore.
While Mayama does seem like a “bad person” when you consider Yamada’s feelings, he does have his own. The understatement of the relationship between him, “Shuu-chan” and Rika is just about perfect. So much is going unsaid, but the animation and music manage to communicate it all.
Of course, Yamada isn’t the nicest person herself.
This episode shows Hagu-chan in a more childish light, especially when partnered with one of the students’ younger sisters. The dream that Takemoto has at the end is both interesting and puzzling; I really wish I knew what was going on there.
A good episode on the “Mayama love” front and also the “Hagu-chan isolation” issue.
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