Emma – episode 9

July 4, 2005 on 12:17 am | In Emma | Comments Off on Emma – episode 9


“When we cooks enchant the nobles with our dishes, we are the same as them.”
Sure it was a cook that said this, but I think it’s a valid point. I can comment on the social mores of this episode out in the open, but really … there’s a lot more beneath the surface.

William goes to a society dinner with Eleanor and is thoroughly embarrassed by his father, yet William’s comments about him and Eleanor not being a couple were probably uncalled for in the first place. This relationship between William, who is nice enough but clearly not interested, and Eleanor, who is nice enough but is cottoning on to the fact that she doesn’t stand a chance, is a bit dense.

Special note: since William’s mother died, his elder sister has taken her place in society circles. Therefore she is Richard’s escort; I feel that this means she might be something of an unhappy spinster who has had the will of her father exerted upon her.

Continue for the more delicate issues of this episode.

On the Emma front, I’m slightly confused: Mrs. Stowner was a beloved governess, yet only four people turned up at her funeral. Emma did not inform William of her death, but given her standing one would think that a death notice would be placed in the paper. It’s little things like this that make Emma slightly less realistic than it needs be.

Emma walking around by herself and maintaining the house obsessively was tragic to watch and I really need to know what is going to happen to her; it seems that she has to vacate the house. Where will she go? To whom do Mrs. Stowner’s personal belongings go?
Oh man.

Also, Hakim is still there. I really expect William to say “You still here?” when he shows up, but alas.
Emma really sucks; I like it, but I feel bad watching it now.

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