Emma – episode 10
July 10, 2005 on 12:12 pm | In Emma | Comments Off on Emma – episode 10Emma – episode 10
“Missing one another”
The music in this episode was particularly good.
Emma goes to William’s house to give him an important message, but William travels into town in the hope of meeting Emma. Emma ends up talking to Hakim, and William receives some information he hadn’t bargained on.
The hidden joys of Emma lie in William’s siblings. Seeing as their father has only invested his interest in William, and only a very superficial attendance to Grace, they all sit around in the drawing rooms and discuss precisely what is going on.
Vivi demonstrates that she has truly been indoctrinated into the class system, saying very clearly that “masters are masters and servants are servants”. Colin is still a terrified little crybaby, who has had to deal with harems and maids in the course of one year.
This episode has another turning point, wherein William hugs Emma. It is not with romantic intent, but with sympathy, yet is enough to cause a stir and garner William a slap. Emma is getting quite dramatic and has only two episodes left.
I really don’t see how they can resolve it with Richard being the bastard that he is. At least Hakim is being useful again and I don’t need to yell at him to go home. Still, I think that Vivi’s doting on him is a bad idea.
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