Emma – episode 12
July 24, 2005 on 8:30 pm | In Emma | 3 Comments“Lily of the Valley”
Damnit, Emma! Don’t give me hope, give me results! Give me idealised fantasy life, not realistic social inevitablity!
Hakim finally tells William that Emma is leaving. William runs to meet Emma at King’s Cross station …
Emma was nice, but really came thundering down to its inevitable conclusion. What is this, Shakespeare in Love? The writers should probably be given credit for their realism, but … well. I guess I can’t fault them, but I want to. Actually, I can’t believe I just congratulated an anime that featured an Indian prince riding an elephant through the streets of Victorian London for its realism.
I’ve sort of run out of things to say on the subject: I did not understand why Hakim stayed for so long, but Emma was not difficult. It made perhaps too much sense, which was frustrating, when Mr. Darcy can end up with Elizabeth Bennett …
The best thing about this episode was the effective use of silence for this (spoiler) shot.
Despite the fact that it was ultimately more bitter than sweet, Emma was worth watching; you certainly won’t find a lot of anime like it. Now it’s all over, I feel weird.
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If it may make you feel any better, the anime ends somewhere around volume two of the manag series.
There are six volumes,so far, I think. Oh, and worry not, for Emma will be reunited with Jones in London again later on.
So there is hope after all. 🙂
Comment by Yoshi — November 23, 2005 #
The manga is seven volumes, actually. And the second season is currently airing in Japan. You’re not interested in blogging about it?
Comment by DanielJr — June 5, 2007 #
With about eighteen months between comments, it’s conceivable that there were six volumes at the time. I’m working on watching more anime … soon.
Comment by Alex — June 6, 2007 #