Tide-Line Blue – episode 2

July 25, 2005 on 8:46 pm | In Tide-Line Blue | Comments Off on Tide-Line Blue – episode 2


This series is pretty good, although I do have to wonder both what the deal with the ostrich is and just who all of these different factions are.

Keel makes his way onto Tean’s submarine, where he is treated as a spy but given slight leeway due to Isla’s baby. There he meets Captain Gould, who looks suspiciously like Street Fighter II‘s Zanghief.

Somehow this show manages to balance the fact that Joze looks totally serious, at times even deadly, with little semi SD faces. The slapstick works pretty well along with the drama which, at this moment, is not really far enough developed to be truly dramatic.
I was surprised to see that only thirteen episodes are scheduled, as I have the notion that submarine anime should go on forever, or something; a kind of Nadia vibe but not, and for the love of all that is good and decent no island.

Really what I want is to understand who everyone is, and if this program is worth its salt and the good will it’s building, I don’t doubt that I will find that out.

Also, I acknowledge that it is wholly possible that the first episode had a typo in the subs and they meant to say that six billion people died, which is undeniably more of an issue for the planet.

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