Progress Report One: As Batrock Sleeps
August 31, 2005 on 8:00 pm | In Site News | Comments Off on Progress Report One: As Batrock SleepsSeeing as everything’s been thrown out of whack this week and MovableType offers the worst tech support ever (at least if you don’t pay them), I’m going to go out a bit and digress from the straight up reviews that I do. Put some of the hated word “blog” back in the phrase “anime blog” and lose all of my readers.
I have completed a RahXephon review, but the edited version is lost in the ether and I couldn’t be bothered re-editing my draft. You can get that in time, but here I’ll editorialise and say that I think that Argentosoma, despite holding more flaws, was an altogether better series – at least on the sci-fi scale.
I’ve been watching complete fansubbed series on the trains, which strikes me as somewhat against the “spirit” of fansubbing – that is, watching it in instalments almost as if it’s real TV. The two series I’ve watched, however, are so good that I could put that aside. I’m not sure if I’ll write about them, though.
The first series was Beck, which had many little storylines I didn’t like – such as a stupid bullying exposé – but which I really cared about. The characters were excellent and I wasn’t as annoyed by the English as many of my anime compatriots were. Even the whole “Leon Sykes” story didn’t annoy me, possibly because I was not watching on a weekly basis. I never found him much of a threat.
Monster is my current train series and, twenty episodes in, it is excellent. By the same team as Master Keaton, both anime and manga, it is just pure rock. It takes a few episodes to set itself up, but there’s enough suspense and such great characters that it picks up momentum quickly. The shadow of Johan casts itself over the series and I think that Inspector Lunge’s theory is too naff and convenient.
I might get to modern times, do a write up, and then pick it up weekly. Who knows, everything I say is always speculation.
Finally, the DVD series I just finished was A Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar. Entire series take a while to write up, so I’ll get back to you on that. I tells ya, I teared up at the end.
I’ll watch Honey & Clover 19 and write it up later.
How was that for an experiment?
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