Tide-Line Blue – episode 11

October 15, 2005 on 9:14 pm | In Tide-Line Blue | Comments Off on Tide-Line Blue – episode 11

“Battle of Metasequoia”

Penultimate! This episode is a bridge between the previous and this one, in which the “intermediary” party comes to their final decision.
This was a good episode, but I won’t say much because of its continuation of the previous episode and because … it’s been more than a week since I watched it.

Joze and Tean finally meet Gould, and all is well. Then Keel realises that Gould is dedicated to resolving the issue once and for all, and decides that he needs to at least try to solve everything in a peaceable manner – with the assistance of Tean.

Essentially I’ll say I appreciated the youthful optimism of Isla, Keel and Tean (particularly as Tean’s case is intriguingly coloured by the pragmatism redolent on the Ulysses). Over the past couple of episodes, all of my negative feelings towards Joze have died, as she becomes understandable. Her work in this episode was particularly impressive, as it is realised just how much she, Tean and Gould mean to each other. Her valiant if doomed efforts are almost enough to get you just there, particularly in combination with this show’s frankly excellent face animation.

Meanwhile, the Satoyama and Aoi tension boils quite nicely, and Aoi once again shows her broken-down side that I appreciate so much. It’s not so much an article of trust now as it is faith.

Wow, writing nothing is hard. Conclusion yet to come!

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