Black Cat – episode 1

November 5, 2005 on 4:20 pm | In Black Cat | 8 Comments

“A Lonely Cat”

I’m behind, which can only mean one thing: I can catch up! Stylish GONZO animation with entirely random tone: I like it. The adventures of a nun kicking assassin and a man with a “vision eye” (vision eye!) … has to be good.

Black Cat opens with the assassin Black Cat breaking into a church and kicking nuns. The rest of the episode follows Sven, a man with green hair and the power to see five minutes into the future with his “vision eye”, in his attempts to capture the politician Lib Tyrant (Lib Tyrant! Come on!). Unfortunately, Black Cat’s organisation also wants Tyrant dead.

Black Cat can’t quite decide on a tone. It’s not quite schizophrenic as lots of modern shows, in that it is at least clear that the Black Cat scenes are “serious” and the Sven scenes are more SD comedy affairs. The inevitable plot development, however, will be that Sven and Black Cat will work together because Black Cat sure is not going to work for an evil society forever.
How will the teen and the green haired one get along? Problem is, I’m getting no clues.

It looks good, except for the children. The past version of Train has a huge head and a tiny body. It’s kind of reminiscent of Geobreeders but less lousy. The most ambiguous thing about the entire project is the ED, which comes out thusly:

What am I supposed to make of that amongst the murder and mayhem?

So is Black Cat serious or is it some kind of weird imbalanced action comedy drama that seems to be all the rage nowadays? I don’t know. I normally don’t watch something because it looks “cool”, but that appears to be what I’m doing with Black Cat. Three more episodes are already available so I can make that decision fairly quickly.

Nun kicking!


  1. I’ve read some of the Black Cat manga a few years back, when my friend was into it and made me read. After a few volumes I got bored. D: For some reason it felt really bland – as if I’ve seen most of the elements from some other manga/anime. Maybe I’ll give it another chance someday.

    Comment by Annie — November 5, 2005 #

  2. Well, it’s not exactly my type of series, and I’m going to be really lazy about watching it, but I’m giving it its chances.

    Comment by Alex — November 5, 2005 #

  3. oops I left a comment on the LJ.
    Anyway, the art looks cool here but…
    I read the manga!!
    weird~ I didnt even realies it was like O_o; the same one… (didnt read the heading, haha).
    I think I liked the manga … but like you said~ maybe not exactly memorable? Sven or whatever is totally hot though. And the young girl = super cute~ (with long hair, she comes later in the series)

    and of course cat -looking boys = heaven! :D;D
    Too bad there isnt much yaoi doujin for it (Or I havent found it, haha~)

    Comment by Kim — November 5, 2005 #

  4. Yeah.. I am totally looking for a CreedXTrain.. or even the other way around.. or a SvenXTrain.. omg.. have him use his eye 5mins before he.. hmm.. maybe a fanfic is in order. LOL. I’m still really sad that it was ended so.. abruptly.

    Comment by Leha — August 4, 2006 #

  5. i’ve never read the manga but i watched it on youtube and i’m hooked and i am in the middle of making my own black cat AMV

    Comment by katrina — August 23, 2006 #

  6. ended ?? it hasn’t ended like katrina i watch it on youtube what do you mean ended

    Comment by septh — August 23, 2006 #

  7. Black Cat was a 24 episode series. It’s over. Stop watching it on YouTube and get the DVDs from Funimation.

    Comment by Alex — August 23, 2006 #

  8. anyone know where i can watch/ read other that you tube? my dad blocked you tube and my space 🙁

    Comment by Clitenar — May 6, 2007 #

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