Angel Heart – episode 8

January 15, 2006 on 1:59 pm | In Angel Heart | 1 Comment

“True friends”

Ryo breaks the implausibility barrier for the sake of entertainment and Glass Heart’s satisfaction. Again, good stuff … but where the hell is Miki?

Ryo makes it to the lure point, only to find that all of his comrades have arrived before him. Glass Heart is confused by the levity with which they greet the “doomed” situation, and is assured that all of the people present cherish their time together, and they fight so that they may greet the new days together.
Glass Heart thinks that she has no comrades of her own, but then she remembers something that she has tried to block out …

Ryo being Ryo, most of his comrades are, of course, transvestites. Sadly, Mochiyama looks like he’s here to stay.

With this episode I realised that Angel Heart really isn’t about Kaori any more, but about Glass Heart herself. Glass Heart carries the episode, and the story operates fine without the overbearing presence of Ryo. Having her character see Ryo’s situations and draw parallels to her own allow Glass Heart to become more sympathetic. Slowly she is unlocking emotions that go towards making her an essential character – and possibly leading to new members of the cast.

The past couple of episodes have been disturbing on the Saeko front, however. She was very well designed in this episode, and her alcohol drinking was prodigious. The concern is that there seems to be an interest in Ryo deeper than the friendship that they had before. The very point of Saeko is that she holds no sexual interest in Ryo, and if it gets into that sort of area many areas of this show will just be weird: weirder even than the completely inexplicable lack of Miki. She was never a major character, but she is important as an offsider to Umibozu.
Another interesting fact of this show is that we’ve not yet seen Ryo’s apartment.

Calling that weird is probably nothing compared to the fact that Angel Heart is a serial story featuring Saeba Ryo. Is there any way to get over that? I think not.

1 Comment

  1. RE: Miki

    Miki is not written in the anime. Remember that “alternative storyline” bullcrap that Tsukasa Hojo was babbling about? Well this is it; in this “alternative reality”, Miki does not exist. I AM told however that we start to see a character which is a cross between Miki and Glass Heart, as Umibozu adopts a 14 year old girl into his fold.

    But yeah, I miss Miki. I know that Hojo wussed out in claiming “alternative timeline”, but seeing how good this anime is, I think you can say “psst… you can come out now, the wolves are gone” and treat this like a true sequel…..

    On the other hand, I’d like to think that Miki is still here, supporting her man in other ways, she should have been in that party.

    Comment by Eric Chow — February 3, 2006 #

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