Bleach – episode 65
January 28, 2006 on 8:41 pm | In Bleach | 1 CommentBleach introduces us to its friend Aesthetic Bankruptcy. It also justifies one year of potential filler.
The episode begins with the captains of Soul Society gathered to discuss Aizen’s plans; it will be a good year before there is any cause for concern. Party time! In the delightfully named “real world”, Ichigo and company try to track down Orihime by playing a game with an incredibly annoying little girl. In the process they meet the new group of outlandish fiends that they’re up against.
Fairly uninteresting Bleach, with some really bland animation mixed in. The fact that I hate the design of Urahara’s employees wasn’t any help either. This story is pretty much a non-entity; while it’s semi-fun to see the little team Ichigo has formed, the only other comment of note is that the little girl villain, Ririn, is about the ugliest “cute little girl” character I’ve ever seen.
Much as I hate the word “filler” … well. Well.
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Bleach is THE best anime i know so shut up it is really cool.
Comment by Me — June 7, 2008 #