The Snow Queen – episode 6

February 1, 2006 on 10:23 am | In The Snow Queen | 1 Comment

“The Girl and the Peas”

If you’re anything like me, you’ll find stories about terminally ill children terribly depressing. “The Girl and the Peas” is like that for most of its run, but then we’re all reminded that The Snow Queen is, at heart, a fairytale.
The ideas about hope and that “miracles” are actually caused by determination, were quite nice.

Gerda is walking through the country side when she meets a woman named Anya. When they get into town, Anya offers Gerda a place to stay; there Gerda learns that one of Anya’s daughters died a year ago, and that her other daughter, Lynette, is succumbing to the same illness.
This makes Gerda terribly sad … but Lynette has a plan.

In a way, “The Girl and the Peas” is heartbreaking; you have a mother unwilling to accept that her child is dying, prepared to throw good money after bad in her attempts to cure her. You have a child who knows that she is going to die, but has made plans so that her mother will be comfortable after the inevitable. Then you have Gerda, who sacrifices her own quest for Kay, to spend some time with these two people.

When I saw how cockamamie Lynette’s scheme is, and how strong her conviction, something broke inside of me. Lynette had been telling it to everyone, and it filtered back to Anya. Not only does this show that Lynette accepts her fate, but that she thinsk she can change that of others’.

I would have called this the saddest episode of The Snow Queen ever but, thanks to Gerda, miracles can happen. Who am I to say that a terminal disease cannot be beaten through the power of hope? Witnessing a small miracle, regardless of whether it was actually carefully staged, can create an entirely different outlook.

Happy times for all, one of the best recoveries ever, and a very nice episode of The Snow Queen.

1 Comment

  1. It’s remarkable how Osamu Dezaki can make his shows so heart wrenching. I also fell in love since my childhood with those matte scenes he includes at the end of every episode of his shows. I get a shiver every time I see one of these scenes for some reason. The man is a genius!!

    Comment by Mohammad — February 2, 2006 #

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