Bleach – episode 67
February 11, 2006 on 11:43 pm | In Bleach | Comments Off on Bleach – episode 67The third “game” reveals a mystery that is directed so poorly that the answer is the most obvious thing in the world. The Soul Society material is both a Deus Ex Machina and a red herring.
Basically Ririn tells Ichigo and company that one of their number is a fake, and that if this mystery isn’t solved everyone at the school will die terrible, terrible deaths. Ishida is the only one even vaguely smart enough to try to figure out the mystery.
The identity of the fake is no surprise. In fact, I had thought that the direction was so obvious that they were trying to make us think that the fake was the fake but that they would turn out not to be the fake. Not much gets to happen other than some blatant unintentional homoeroticism; unintentional on the part of Ichigo, but everyone else knew what was going on. Naturally.
I don’t know, do I even have to say anything about non-events like this, the episodes of Bleach that are simple “run from point A to point B at the whim of enemies we’ve got no idea about”? I hope Yoruichi goes somewhere. Here, have some images …
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