Shinigami no Ballad – episode 2
March 23, 2006 on 9:38 pm | In Shinigami no Ballad | Comments Off on Shinigami no Ballad – episode 2“The time of the fish”
I used to dislike episodic shows, but Shinigami no Ballad, Mushishi and Master Keaton have taught me otherwise. This is a clever episode that already breaks the rules set by the show. I could easily watch 26 episodes of this calibre, but six will do.
Asano lies in the school pool at night and thinks, as his sister told him, that the reflection of the stars on the water is like swimming in space. As he’s lost in the moment, Fujishima releases a piranha into the water as as attempt to get swimming cancelled.
In his reverie, Momo appears in front of Asano and tells him that he’s going to die, so he should make the most of life. So, over time, he and Fujishima get to know each other.
The first thing to note, from that summary, is that the piranha dies. The piranha is, I believe, not a fish that lives in chlorinated water. The episode barely features Momo, but instead focuses on Asano and Fujishima spending more time together and generally having good times – until it comes to that oh so serious moment of confession.
Asano is not very good at taking advice – but when he does, it makes for a nice little ending.
Momo has an interesting statement about fate: it wouldn’t be interesting if you could change it. How that statement turns out is what makes this episode damned solid.
I now have no hesitation in my recommendation of Shinigami no Ballad.
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