Nana – episode 4
April 30, 2006 on 11:54 pm | In Nana | 1 CommentA good episode that requires no worries because it’s all on the level.
The first five minutes of the episode wrap up Pink Nana’s courtship. The rest of the episode is devoted to Black Nana’s experiences as a high school drop out and member of the Black Stones.
The Pink Nana section could have felt awkward seeing as a few minutes were needed to wrap it up neatly, but the segue into the Black Nana section allowed no problems. The final scenes between Pink Nana and Shouji were actually quite tender.
A Black Nana rundown is much easier to stomach than a Pink Nana story straight up because Black Nana doesn’t bounce off the walls. The subdued nature of Black Nana is more conducive to sanity, which is exactly why Pink Nana and Black Nana are supposed to be teamed up. I’m much more receptive to Pink Nana when she’s got someone to genuinely interact with, as she has had in this last episode and a half.
At any rate, there was an effective use of both colour and music in this story, with all of Black Nana’s snow scenes in surprisingly warm and friendly shades of grey. I liked the rapport between the members of the Black Stones and, because until now we’ve known almost literally nothing about Black Nana other than that she smokes and has a guitar, the contents of this episode are actually compelling.
I’m actually looking forward to the next episode: I want to see how Black Nana recovers from the revelation of the conclusion (how can Ren say something like that so abruptly?), and how the Black Stones survives all of this. I know that everything I says sounds like I’m beating up on the Pink Nana-gumi, but Black Nana-dan seems more realistic in its portrayal, and I like the down-to-Earth approach sometimes.
When the flashbacks are over and the meeting of the minds commences proper, it’s going to kick ath.
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awww……Nana O.’s story….:) Welcome to the wonderful worlds of NANA, Ai Yazawa’s soul….
Comment by NANAFANGIRL4ETERNITY — May 28, 2007 #