Girls’ High – episode 4
May 12, 2006 on 11:34 pm | In Girls' High | 8 Comments“Celebrate! Saki Girls Bloomers Hitherto”
I hate the world and I wish I were dead.
Saki Girls has their annual sports carnival. Because this is Girls’ High, the damned thing is populated by made up events.
I don’t know what to say. My notes for this epiosde include: “THE MUSIC”, “WTF!” and “PANDER 2000!”. I think I actually am quite sickened, because I find the idea of banana eating contests offensive. What could that possibly be an analogy for? Then we end the episode by eating ice-candy! Which, unlike FLCL, is actually sexual in its implication.
My eyes exploded while watching this. Girls’ High production staff, you cannot have it both ways! You cannot say “man, voyeurs suck!”, yet give us this voyeuristic piece of trash! Your audience does not care that the exploitative photo journalist is exploiting the girls! They benefit from the exploitation! They are fiends! As fiendish as you, the guilty animators of such filth as this!
There’s way too much hypocrisy of late. I want to see spades called spades and panties called panties. I don’t want to see productions saying “these issues are bad” while peddling them and revelling in them.
Watching Girls’ High is like watching a snuff film that tells you that killing people is wrong.
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Panties, but at what price?…
I hate the world and I wish I were dead.
Alex is not enjoying Girl’s High. The show (which I’ve never seen) is full of panty shots and heavy on the fan service. People who are into that sort of thing should be warned that all of this com…
Trackback by Twenty-Sided — May 13, 2006 #
I know this is a rather radical suggestion, but you could always, you know, not watch it.
(I gave it two episodes then gave up. If it was better drawn and animated then maybe, but it ain’t.)
Comment by Pixy Misa — May 13, 2006 #
There are a couple of factors at play here:
Comment by Alex — May 13, 2006 #
Ah, gotcha. 😉
Comment by Pixy Misa — May 14, 2006 #
Just read your entry on “Magical Project S”, by the way. Nice to see someone else who appreciates just how good that show was.
Comment by Pixy Misa — May 14, 2006 #
Says the guy who owns, .net, .org, .nu, info, .biz… err, and I think there’s another one as well. Okay, they were having a three-domains-for-the-price-of-one sale that week, but still.
Comment by Pixy Misa — May 14, 2006 #
I had always assumed with the name Pixy Misa that you were, um … female. What a world!
Thanks for indulging me from the days before I knew how to write for this site.
Comment by Alex — May 14, 2006 #
I had always assumed with the name Pixy Misa that you were, um … female.
Not to worry, you’re not alone there.
It was just a username I chose for one particular web forum, and then it kind of… grew. I’m stuck with it now.
Comment by Pixy Misa — May 14, 2006 #