Girls’ High – episode 5

May 25, 2006 on 9:57 pm | In Girls' High | 4 Comments


The titular cracks refer not to the girls falling out, but rather to those in the relationship of Yuma and Momoka. Yeah, great.
What would be an okay episode of television is really spoiled by the fact that this is one of the ugliest shows out there. People didn’t like Ginban Kaleidoscope‘s aesthetic, but at least it was consistent.
For the record, this contained no fan service despite featuring a high kick that would have made that an easy option.

Eriko points out to the group that she has known Yuma for three years, whereas they have collectively known Momoka for one day. On top of that, the horrid rumours spread by a “Suzuki” were spread on the day after they all met Momoka.
So she’s not as stupid as everyone thought!
The episode then turns to an “exploration” of the rift between the sisters.

I’m just going to reveal it here, because anyone who’s watching the series won’t care, and none of my words are ever going to convince you to watch this:
Momoka turned on Yuma because she was sick of being protected every time she was bullied. Instead of asking to be given a bit of freedom to be beaten up and harrassed, Momoka instead chose to declare a hatred of her sister and has at this point in the story decided to destroy the delicate balance of Yuma’s life.

Already some retrocontinuity needs to be enforced; as Momoka has never tried to destroy Yuma before, it does not wash that Yuma would suspect her of such treachery from the start. I suppose one might assume some suspicion, but enough to walk away from your friends without explanation?
On top of that, these damned children have no parents! We’re presented the situation as if two girls linked by blood, who absolutely can’t stand each other, are living alone together. To accept this story, you’ve got to pretend that it’s plausible that these sisters have been estranged, with no conversation at all, for two years. In one house. With no parental figures.

I probably wouldn’t question this at all if it was more competently designed. Eh, who am I kidding: I wouldn’t question it if it didn’t suck. Can I get a licence announcement now, Geneon? Much obliged.


  1. You know . . . .>

    The manga is actually quite good . . .


    Although it does have those plotholes you described, it’s actually funny. The anime is complete Drek, though. I gave up on it after episode zero.

    Comment by emmarz — June 12, 2006 #

  2. I would like to get into this series, but I don’t know if it is a comic book.It sounds pretty interesting to me. IAnd I would like to know more about it. thanks

    Comment by kristen — August 24, 2006 #

  3. I actally watch this anime and I like it alot.

    Comment by Chloe — June 29, 2007 #

  4. Oh and I like the story and everything. Sure it has stupid and useless parts in it but I enjoy it alot.


    Comment by Chloe — June 29, 2007 #

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