Binchou-tan – episode 9

June 5, 2006 on 11:32 pm | In Binchou-tan | 1 Comment

“There is a beetle on you Bin”

Beautiful enough to bring a tear to your eye, is Binchou-tan. When times are upon you, the -tans are nice through and through.

Ren-tan helps Chiku-tan sell her medicines. Meanwhile, Kunugi-tan plays with Binchou-tan and begins to teach her how to write. In completely unrelated matters, Aloe browses a vinyl pool catalogue.

This episode not only looked good, it felt good. The Chiku-tan not selling much scenes were a downer, but then they were lifted by the Chiku-tan selling out scenes. Then Binchou-tan realises that maybe she shouldn’t worry all the time, because if Kunugi-tan doesn’t know there’s a beetle on her dress, neither party can hurt the other.

On top of that, Binchou-tan writes a letter to Kunugi-tan:

And realises that, on the whole, life is entirely worth living. Bless you, young -tans. You are an inspiration to us all.

1 Comment

  1. reel to reel tape player…

    Didn’t notice it before . . . quite clever….

    Trackback by reel to reel tape player — January 6, 2007 #

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