Black Lagoon – episode 7

June 6, 2006 on 8:40 pm | In Black Lagoon | 13 Comments

“Calm down, two men”

Polish jokes and Catholic jokes! Nuns selling guns! Fights in the marketplace! Black Lagoon has it all and more!

Dutch forces Revy and Rock to do some errands for him. Since the submarine, Revy has been having “issues” with Rock, and this culminates in an argument in the square.

This was a great episode for Rock and Revy, but first of all it was a great episode for Balalaika editing porn. “I want to die,” she says, after informing Revy that the actress on screen is, indeed, “taking it up the ass”.
Poor Balalaika; my heart goes out to you.

The negotiations with the various parties showed off Revy and Rock’s strengths: in a semi-professional environment, Rock is deferential and Revy overrides him to get the job done. In a situation that Revy can see nothing for than pointing a gun at a bubblegum chewing, gun toting nun, Rock has a much more level head.
The job of a salaryman may be soul crushing, but you can’t get that far without at least some skills. While Rock was crushed by the hollowness of requiring only “a place to drink and a batting centre” (I’m thinking the batting centre is metaphorical), in situations that he has some control over he can negotiate a storm. He is a skillful fellow in this respect, and this is foreshadowing for his overwhelming growth of a spine.

Grow Rock’s spine does, the argument being charged with tension and an absolute refusal to back down. Revy told him that he had no idea what her life was like, yet Rock said that he could say the same thing of her; in addition to that, she did know that his employers had given him up for dead in their filthy pursuits of money and prestige. “Tragic heroine” indeed.
Rock’s logic is so disarming that she of course has no choice but to accept him. Then, when they’re arrested by the agreeable (read: corrupt as all get out) police of the region, they share a tobacco kiss.

What a day.

Oh, check it out, next episode features a maid with guns.


  1. This episode left me speechless. I had to write about it. The absurdity and dark humor were priceless.

    Comment by Mohammad — June 6, 2006 #

  2. I like how Rock didnt back down from the fight, it was awesome. Rock is really cool, Im glad he is not wimpy.

    Comment by CrazyMcChan — June 7, 2006 #

  3. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a show which features a character with so much growth. Was he actually overpowering Revy there? Finally, a show where men act like men instead of whiny emo pranks. 4 stars.

    Comment by Aleksander — June 7, 2006 #

  4. Rock acted out of the indignation of someone with nothing left to lose. It was good stuff. I think he could overpower Revy simply based on the fact that he shocked her out of complacency.

    Comment by Alex — June 7, 2006 #

  5. I’m surprised that the series did not milk out Revy’s background for all its worth. Going that route would’ve been interesting too but I like Rock’s “Life sucks, just deal with it.” comeback. Lovely.

    Comment by Ten — June 7, 2006 #

  6. I wonder whether she’d have really shot him. Or maybe she pulled the trigger only after he grabbed the gun? Kind of makes me wonder what’s her average businessman consumption. I believe the pr0n editing scene was just a gimmick because it was completely off-character. Funny stuff nontheless, granted.

    The redhead on the 3rd screenshot reminded me of Quon from Rahxephon. Anyone else?

    Comment by Chris — June 8, 2006 #

  7. from the pic here already shows revy got some emotion inside, I like the caster pretty much. not one, all of them.

    Comment by oxy — June 21, 2006 #

  8. like this episode *_*

    Comment by smokew — June 23, 2007 #

  9. This was one of the best in the whole story and Rock was finaly realy cool

    Comment by jack — June 25, 2007 #

  10. i thought they were going to kiss. BOOO!!!

    Comment by emily — September 5, 2007 #

  11. One of a favorite episodes because it highlights Rock’s and Revy’s relationship and also their differences.

    The greatest issue is that the appearance of Rock forces Revy to look into a mirror. He is in a place that she is far. Her internal struggle is manifested by her overt aggression against him.

    Ultimately though throughout of 2 series I think her feelings for him are more apparent than his for her. She gets jealous when he talks to other women, though she’s somewhat low key about it.

    In fact I barely sense at all that Rock has any romantic notions towards her. One way I see it playing out is that Revy warms up more to him to a point, and from that point he’ll have to make a move. But I sense it is important that she give te first sign move due to her nature.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Comment by Dan — January 21, 2008 #

  12. ……………………….cool

    Comment by Heather — August 19, 2008 #

  13. Actually, the batting centre wasn’t metaphorical. In Japan, sports centres designed for people wanting to practice their baseball swings are very popular. He’s talking about cheap ubiquitous entertainment that the Japanese make use of in order to distract themselves from the stifling monotony of their everyday work environment. Other appropriate examples are pachinko, purikura, arcades, etc.

    Comment by Alan — January 28, 2009 #

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