Nana – episode 9

June 13, 2006 on 11:34 pm | In Nana | 2 Comments

You have no idea how relieved I was when Nobu told Nana that he had a song and it wasn’t “Sing this song, my sister, in this world where everyone is lonely … SEE YOU TURNING, SMILING AND LAUGHING.”

Hachi is tormented by Jun-chan, and comes home to find Nana has constructed a table without compromising her delicate guitarist fingers. Late into their dinner and what may have turned into a heated argument, Nobu comes knocking at the door: he’s run away from home and has written a song.

The first half of this episode featured Hachi worrying about everything and everyone. Then she realised that all of her worries pertained to herself and wondered if she’s really so greedy as to have a purely self-centred thought process. This is essentially the gateway to coming to understand Nana, as we are at last afforded the opportunity to see the black one in full modern swing. While we get trite dialogue along the lines of “What’s the point if it doesn’t hurt”, we also get a good insight into what is essentially a kind and caring, if lightly teasing, entity.

You can contrast that with Jun-chan, who I kind of think is the least supportive friend ever. Seriously, just about everything that girl says acts as a dagger to the heart of poor Hachi. I think she should disenfranchise herself from Hachi if she’s going to be that intolerant of such a vibrant character.
Either that or Jun has known Hachi considerably longer than any of the audience, and so she has had a lot of time to become annoyed. I’m more inclined to take the former course of action.
For this reason, and the ready acceptance of Nobu, I feel that Hachi’s future is in the hands of the Nana-tachi, drifting further and further away from the world of Shouji and the likes of him. By accepting Nobu into the house, Hachi has become a part of the life of Nana. They are not just strangers sharing an apartment, they have a bond. And at least one of them has a crush on the other. Clearly.

Watching Nana is like a passport to a happy land where everything is animated in a charming fashion. Watching stuff like this gives me the courage to drop crap like Girls’ High.


  1. Penso k il rapporto che pian piano si è instaurato tra le 2 nana sia qualcosa di molto più forte e sincero dell’amore…E nonostante Junco sia l’amica del cuore di Hachi e capisca ogni cosa k lei faccia…penso k la Osaki possa essere definita cm lo specchio dell’anima di hachi,e viceversa…

    Comment by Hachico — July 4, 2007 #

  2. anche io penso che sia qualcosa di + profondo di un’amicizia…deve essere una cosa stupenda avera un’amica così… je

    Comment by je — July 10, 2007 #

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