Ouran High School Host Club – episode 11

June 21, 2006 on 12:47 am | In Ouran High School Host Club | 4 Comments

“Oniichama is a Prince”

The Fetish Brigade come to the help of a young girl, who turns out to have intense knowledge of decadence and reverse harems.

Nekozawa Kirimi, the sister of the occultist Nekozawa, comes to the high school section of Ouran High to find her brother. She cannot accept that the darkness loving fellow offered to her is her brother, so she latches onto Tamaki.
This will not do! Renge must place Nekozawa through an intense training regiment so that the siblings will be reunited in a blaze of love and glory!

This is the most standard of all Ouran High School Host Club episodes so far, but it is not without its charm. The jokes that recur do so with reason, and so we are presented with something entertaining on that level.
I also thought that Renge’s “Spartan” training regime was quite funny, but that may have been because of a similar regime in an episode of City Hunter (translation: it’s one of those things that I like but do not expect anyone else to).

The emotional core of the episode was sound, and I felt sympathy for the situation. The conclusion was pat, but in a good way: I think that it was both a valid story and a nice compromise on characters without having anyone “break”.

We also see another rare facet of the series: Kyouya looking amused by the situation that he is confronted with. Ouran High School Host Club: bringing you more of the same with a slightly different flavour.


  1. Oh my God they are soooooooo sweet
    i love Nekozawa hes soo sweet
    and her litle sister is soo adorable
    i want a brother like him >_

    Comment by OuranHostClub1Fan — March 6, 2007 #

  2. That cute little girl is too clever. I’m glad that real little girls don’t know words like incest and reverse harem.

    Comment by Shobi — June 14, 2007 #

  3. I’m not sure . . . but was there a Twilight reverence in this???? When she shone the flashlight on him and said its all about willpower saying ‘Even Edward overcame a cross with willpower and guts” then he says “Weren’t you denying anything occult?” and she replies “It’s ok for fiction, not for fashion”
    Oh god, now that damn book is in my Anime! my only method of escape!

    Comment by kai — October 2, 2008 #

  4. Yay for Edward Cullen!

    Comment by lila-chan_luv — November 2, 2008 #

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