Nana – episode 10

June 21, 2006 on 12:49 am | In Nana | 8 Comments

Hachi is so flighty that I have no choice but to love her. Wait, I shouldn’t be saying that. I should instead be pimping lesbian foreshadowing.

Yeah! Hachi loves Nana etcetera!

Hachi and Shouji have an argument because Hachi has been unconsciously selfish again. Matters are complicated for Shouji when he gets a new coworker … whose name is Sachiko.
Hachi’s other project is to get a bassist and drummer for Nana and Nobu’s band. Hachi finds one whom she affectionately terms “bishounen”. His name is actually Shinichi. Thus a new saga begins!

I have always thought the idea of Sachiko was hilarious, so I exploded when a real Sachiko came onto the scene. The humour was compounded further when Shouji caught the train with her and thought “Sachiko is so cute! She’s much nicer than the fake Sachiko,” a method of thinking that implies that he had built up the fake Sachiko into a character just as much as Nana had done.

Turbulent times ahead for the couple of Hachi and Shouji? I think so indeed, particularly as Hachi becomes further involved in the life and concerns of Nana. This is, of course, also motivated by my dislike of all of Hachi’s previous-life friends.

On to the kiss! I find it interesting the tense that Hachi used in her narration: “I think, in a way, that I was in love with Nana,” as if the feeling has been and gone. It’s also notable that until now, Hachi had narrated to Nana rather than strictly about her, so perhaps it’s a feeling that she didn’t want to share with Nana in her reminiscence. I don’t know. All I know is that I like the naming of “bishounen”, because these characters really do treat each other like objects rather than people. You’ve got to respect that.

Nana moves at a respectable clip. I like it and, despite any troubled times that may be coming, I can be assured that Hachi will help it through.

I aporogise for the use of “pimping” in my copy.


  1. A question – having read, and thoroughly agreed (I expelled tea through my nose at the appearance of Sachiko), I don’t understand your comment”All I know is that I like “bishounen”, because these characters really do treat each other like objects rather than people.” Not disagreement, puzzlement – what is that about?
    Thanks for pointing out the ‘who is being addressed’ aspect of the narration – hadn’t noticed stuff like that, & it’ll give my rewatching a nice edge –

    Comment by ojisan — June 26, 2006 #

  2. It meant I like that all of the characters refer to Shinichi as “bishounen” because it objectifies the characters in the circle.

    Comment by Alex — June 26, 2006 #

  3. Thanks – I think I get it now. It’s not that the anime creators (or manga-ka) have put Shinichi in a 2-dimensional role, it’s that his fellow characters have. Because it’s the way they usually treat newcomers, or other folks in general…

    Comment by ojisan — June 28, 2006 #

  4. Please, Someone,.. If you know what’s the name of the song from this episode please somebody tell me… I know that song is Singing by Anna Tsuchiya but I have been looking for the name of the song and nothing.. Please.. Someboby Help Me..

    Comment by KinoM — June 30, 2006 #

  5. I love NANA!!!!!
    I think what Hachi meant was that she was in love with what she admired in Nana, what she respected in her as a person and friend. They’re real tight(duh.)
    Sometimes these people treat each other like objects, but if u looker closer, it’s much more than that.
    p.s.-I lone NANA!!!!!!!! (Ai Yazawa is a goddess…….):)

    Comment by NANAFANGIRL4ETERNITY — May 28, 2007 #

  6. KinoM, the song is called “Rose”, by Anna Tsuchiya

    Comment by NANAFANGIRL4ETERNITY — May 28, 2007 #

  7. As for the “Kiss”, yay! As much as it may not happen, I wan’t the two Nana’s to be together instead of being in so much drama with their overly depressing issues tied to thier heterosexual relationships. They may work out for each other better, for they can prop each other up when it really counts.

    Comment by NANAFANGIRL4ETERNITY — May 28, 2007 #

  8. il fatto k con 2 caratteri così diversi,ognuna riesca a sorreggere e a fare da sopalla all’altra è veramente incredibile e toccante…

    Comment by Hachico — July 4, 2007 #

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