Make no promises and break no hearts

June 26, 2006 on 10:43 pm | In Site News | 2 Comments

It appears that I have rented out a corner of the internet in which to post things about anime, and that I have neglected it for the past week. This can be explained by a cocktail of exams and Dragon Quest (the ratio of exams to Dragon Quest is actually quite disturbing).

Apart from two episodes of City Hunter, I have not watched any anime in the last seven days. I’ll see what I can do about getting some stuff into me, but Lord Rhapthorne is just so compelling, dangit.

Oh, in case you were wondering how the exams went: they were a mixed bunch, with the highlight being today’s “Imagining America” subject. It consisted of two essays. My reaction to the first was “Huckleberry Finn, motherbitches!” and the second was “Gangs of New York? I’ll kick you in the face!”
See, writing for Anime Pilgrimage makes you just that good at writing about books and film.


  1. What are you studying, anyway?

    Comment by Steven Den Beste — June 27, 2006 #

  2. I’m doing a Bachelor of Arts at the University of Sydney, with an eventual view to a major in film study. I have structured my degree very poorly and will likely not have escaped academia for many years yet.

    Comment by Alex — June 27, 2006 #

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