Utawarerumono – episode 12
July 18, 2006 on 12:31 am | In Utawarerumono | 5 Comments“Unrest”

And lo, Rak Shine cut loose on his people and mightily sliced them in two. And, in retaliation, Rak Shine was stabbed verily by his followers.
Many, many years later, the venerable Oboro decided to graduate from solving his problems through vomiting by transferring this awesome power into headbutting walls.
Spoilers: Rak Shine’s evil ways revealed inside!
Touka, the Kuccha Keccha clan’s resident Evinkuruga, decides that all of the people of Tusukuru must be pure scum if they support a man who killed his wife, children, and hundreds more besides.
Hakuoro naturally does not accept being called “Rak Shine”, so he attempts to solve his problems the normal way: by hugging Eruruu. When this proves ineffective he turns to the drink.
Around the same time the people of Tusukuru launch an attack on the retreating forces of Kuccha Keccha.
I can’t really remember a lot of this episode as it was mainly a foggy battle and a really good scene between Touka and Killgirl. I like the concept of Rak Shine, but I don’t think that Hakuoro’s people should be held accountable for his past and I think that his methods of dealing with it (hugging his surrogate daughter and getting drunk) are questionable.
I like the bridge cuttin’ battles and I laugh at the budget savin’ fog. If you watch Utawarerumono not expecting super quality but rather pulptacularly suspect entertainment, it’s possible to get a good time out of it.
Next ep is called “Battle of Bloodshed”, which is one of the more inane titles for an episode I’ve ever seen.

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»If you watch Utawarerumono not expecting super quality but rather pulptacularly suspect entertainment, it’s possible to get a good time out of it.«
I honestly think that the character designs in this series are one of the most wonderful I have ever seen. So for me it is high quality (except of the CG sometimes).
Comment by Ashura — July 18, 2006 #
Its especially because the characters act believable that the series is high quality. You might not agree with the plot but its depiction of human behaviour in a dire situation is absolutely correct.
This series is about sane people in crazy circumstances in contrast to the “normal anime” crazy peoply in crazy circumstances.
Comment by Talathar — July 18, 2006 #
Ashura: I’m glad you feel the series has done you moetic justice (personally I think it’s ridiculously generic, but with special ears and tails) but yes, there’s no denying that the running CG is clunky. To me aesthetic isn’t everything anyway.
Talathar: On one level I’d say you don’t have to agree with realism, but I will point out on another that this is a show with giant sword swingin’, bridge destroyin’ action. I think you should have a higher opinion of anime than that conclusion about “normal” shows … or simply watch better shows.
Comment by Alex — July 18, 2006 #
Wow you guys seen it too!
im up to 14 right now! its the best ones i seen so far!
Comment by Fishboy — July 19, 2006 #
The series actually has a good plot, imo.
Not the best out there *cough* NARUTO!!! *cough*
But it is very interesting to watch most of the time…
By the way….
What is moe?
What is CG?
Yes, I am expecting to get ‘flamed’ for my ignorance, but it’d be nice if we could keep this civil…
Comment by Animefan — November 6, 2007 #