Kiba – episode 14

July 18, 2006 on 12:32 am | In Kiba | 2 Comments

“Temptation of Power”


“Fresh Baked Emo Bread!? Miki is a stupid pansy face!”

Okay, I’ve decided to make up new names for episodes. It’s a new arc, with a new ED. There’s something else about it: it’s okay. But not great.

Roia, Zed and Robes return to Tempura without Rebecca. Once there the Tempura Council decides that they need to team up with Neotopia in their war against Jimoto and the other country that has a name just like an adjective. I just remembered the country’s name: Leon. Really. A country called Leon. I knew it was a proper noun!

Meanwhile Miki decides to sell bread to make himself feel better. Unfortunately all it makes him feel is a desire to steal everyone’s spirits. Good stuff!

Is there really anything more that anyone can say about this episode of Kiba? It’s like nothing has changed excepting that Zed has a new spirit and Dumas is dead. The world is going to go into a new form of chaos and there will be havoc and turmoil all around. Miki’s evil can’t even be a long running thing simply because he’s shown happy and dancing in the new ED.

Noa is always the highlight of the show, so it was fun to get a sense of the impending doom of the people he’s been travelling with, because he is totally going to kill them all. That’s just my hunch, but Noa and fiery death go hand in hand. It’s like the circle of life: it rules us all.

The new ED, on the other hand, I can’t even remember the music for it. I get the notion that it’s an okay song, but I was paying more attention to the screen. It’s an ED dedicated to Roia, which is unfortunate because Roia is not much of a mascot character. All she does is sit around all day and make faces with her big purple eyes, which are countered by Zed’s incredibly reptilian stance. Maybe it’ll grow on me.

Marginally new story makes Kiba marginally less stupid. It can stay. But if I start watching the Summer Season and discover something good, you can bet your sweet whatever that this is going to be dropped. And if that isn’t an empty promise, I don’t know what is.


  1. I like reading your Kiba reviews 😀

    The good news is the next ep is relatively decent. Some good action, some info, and nothing outstandingly stupid AFAIR.

    The new ED is an improvement.

    Comment by MechR — July 20, 2006 #

  2. But … Very Very!

    I’m glad that my Kiba stances are coming across to someone. That alleviates the pain and allows me to keep on going.

    Comment by Alex — July 21, 2006 #

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