Utawarerumono – episode 13
July 22, 2006 on 5:44 pm | In Utawarerumono | 1 Comment“Battle of Bloodshed”

At the halfway point, Utawarerumono kicks its arse into gear and decides that it doesn’t want to hate me any more.
Go go go! Except I don’t know how the alliances are going to match up from now on, but that’s part of the fun. When battles are interesting like this, the show doesn’t suck so much. Eruruu, on the other hand …
The Kuccha Kecchans launch an attack on Tusukuru, so Hakuoro decides to send out a small troop to minimise casualties and to trap Orikakan into talking to him.
We need to put a stop to men feigning sexual assault just to see how women will react. Damned Hakuoro doesn’t know how to deal with his extended family in the slightest.
When we’re away from the palace we get to see well planned battles and the beast within Hakuoro. Normally you just get people running at each other, so when you get to see actual strategy involved after quite a few episodes of the running you’re allowed to get excited. If only it hadn’t all been ruined by the horrid, horrid laughter of Shikeripetim, I would be dancing and celebrating.
So which side will Touka take from now on? Flying battles ahead! Exciting story build up! Now that Hakuoro actually has problems besides wondering how much he can hug Eruruu before they take her away from him, I kind of care how he turns out.
Yes, I realise that I keep on saying Utawarerumono revitalises itself every few episodes. If it would stop plunging itself into troughs I could stop being pleasantly surprised every so often.

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You are definitely right about the laugh- I wanted Yue to die so much just because I didn’t want to hear it anymore! It was painful, very painful….. Even worse than Kamyu’s, which is pretty bad too…
Comment by Animefan — November 7, 2007 #