Utawarerumono – episode 14
July 24, 2006 on 7:04 pm | In Utawarerumono | 3 Comments“Destruction”

The design of nameless characters takes a hit so that the violence can be ramped up and the fluidity of the animation dazzle.
The exercise smells of a build up to the final showdown, but we’re only halfway through the series. Shikeripetim must be another obstacle to the true goal.
Tusukuru comes under severe attack by Shikeripetim, so Hakuoro must make a decisive plan.
It’s clear now why Hakuoro is such an impassionate character: if he gets any sort of burning passion (moe, if you will) then he becomes the beast. I can’t blame him for having been a boring leader, because boring gets the job done.
That said, he’s playing right into all of Yue’s traps, because Yue is the exact opposite: crazy deranged power mad, whose subjects are nothing but play things.
Impassiveness versus burning craziness: who will win?!
Production wise, the grunts have never looked uglier, but the fights have never been more fluid or violent. Blood and limbs go flying everywhere! For some reason in battle, one can even see the outline of Karura’s nipples pressing against her skin tight suit. This is the place where I put in my reminder that this is based on an H game.
An exciting build up episode, with sexy violence and generally good direction. Will wonders never cease? They most surely will not, my good sirs!

Bonus Freak Out: Dori and Gura, the arching twins, are boys.
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»Bonus Freak Out: Dori and Gura, the arching twins, are boys.«
Where do you lead that from? So far neither them being boys nor being girls has been stated, IIRC.
Comment by Ashura — July 24, 2006 #
According to the Wikipedia entry, which probably got the idea from Hakuoro not trying to “sex them up”.
Comment by Alex — July 24, 2006 #
They LOOK like girls, but i suppose you never can tell.
After all, Haku from NARUTO looked like a girl too…
Comment by Animefan — November 7, 2007 #