Nana – episode 14
July 24, 2006 on 7:14 pm | In Nana | 5 CommentsWhen Nana is good, it’s freakishly good. Normally I’ll alternate shows but I’m watching all of my episodes of this in one hit.
Spoilers inside
Nana and Hachi wait outside Jolie Mamma to meet Shouji. As Shouji had not expected to see them there, he chases Sachiko out into the street and is thus exposed.
Hachi is rendered speechless, so it’s important to note that Nana does all of the speaking for her. Then she realises, with the assistance of Sachiko, that it has not very much to do with her at all.
I’ll give Sachiko this: she is cute. She also lies to Hachi to take some of the blame for the cheating off of Shouji. When she was attempting to express her feelings for Shouji, she did not know of Hachi, so to say that she seduced him is just a diversionary tactic. You have to respect her for that, and I will upgrade her status to “semi-innocent party”.
Nana asks Hachi why she isn’t fighting for Shouji, which provoked me to think “why would she want him?” Hachi backed me up by saying “I don’t want him”. Her voice over goes on to say that she was too immature to forgive him, but I think that this part of the relationship is too far gone to be patched up. Maybe they can be friends again, maybe, but I will be incredibly angry if Shouji and Hachi get back together. I’ll be surprised if Shouji sticks around as part of the main cast, but maybe that will happen. He kind of belongs with Kyosuke and Jun, who has once again proved herself to be an incredibly unsympathetic woman. The fact that she had a point with some of what she was saying didn’t help her at all!
Nana in all out drama mode is good and now, with the introduction of Trapnest tickets, the Nana drama can commence!
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Shoji u ass wipe!!!! >Sigh
Comment by NANAFANGIRL4ETERNITY — May 28, 2007 #
how much more depressing can such a wonderful series be? It’s a soap opera in anime/manga format:) It’s purely purley purely one of the best, if not, the best! 🙂
Comment by NANAFANGIRL4ETERNITY — May 28, 2007 #
Comment by NANAFANGIRL4ETERNITY — May 28, 2007 #
No, sachiko said she knew of shoji’s girlfriend but still could’nt help but to fall for him. I don’t really like her…..:(
Comment by NANAFANGIRL4ETERNITY — May 28, 2007 #
Nn capisco come Shoji(definito una persona che nn riuscirevbbe mai a ferirne un’altra)trovandosi tra 2 donne,di cui una l’attuale fidanzata e una l’amante,riesca a dire con voce ferma e arrogante,riferendosi per giunta alla fidenzata attuale:”QUESTA è LA MIA FIDANZATA!!!!”
Peccato che nana nn sia riuscito a pestarlo come si deve…
la parte più bella,però…è stata vederle insieme abbracciate nel letto…mi sono venute le lacrime agli occhi!!
Comment by Hachico — July 4, 2007 #