Kiba – episode 16

July 24, 2006 on 7:58 pm | In Kiba | Comments Off on Kiba – episode 16

“Tragedy of a Race”


“Protect the Subterranean Ewok Village!! For the purpose of killing you, I was reborn!”

See, the tragedy is that they chose war and … ah, forget it.

A now certifiably insane bloodthirsty Rebecca calls in Zed and Roia to clear Karbuhu of the problem of Jimoto.

The fun thing about Kiba is that laser knives make metal sounds and the people are either monotremes or reptiles: they lay eggs.

So if Zed’s on a tour of another country, why is the ED full of Zed, Roia and Miki antics in the countryside? It’s false advertising, I tell you. Just as a princess with no claim to the throne retaining her crown is false advertising.

It’s great to watch Inoue Marina stabbing people without mercy, though. For the likes of her, Shinichiro Miki and Yamaguchi Kappei (seriously! Yamaguchi Kappei!), this is severely low rent. Even more than usual they can throw caution to the wind and become caricatures of bloodthirstiness/flamboyance/”evil”.

It’s nice to know that Koujina Hiroshi has adopted a “less blabbin’, more stabbin'” approach to his characters. All future problems to be solved with violence, I say! The sword is so much more effective than a word, after all.

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