Utawarerumono – episode 15
July 26, 2006 on 12:03 am | In Utawarerumono | 1 Comment“End of the Banquet”

The engagements are booked through the end of the world
So we’ll meet at the end of the banquet
In Utawarerumono you can cut people in half and be stabbed in both arms and then go off to your next fight without a care in the world.
With the end of this banquet, we have to look forward to the next one that Hakuoro will be invited to, possibly by nameless winged fellow who may belong to Urotorii’s clan.
Hakuoro attacks the Shikeripetim castle!
What we’ve learned from these experiences is that Yue is a bit of a crazy person. His aim in life is to create the ultimate beast, and that ultimate beast is Hakuoro. Exactly what that means for Hakuoro’s past, I’m not certain. We’ll never find out from Yue, though, because in true poetically just form he dies at the hands of his creation. The strange thing is that he’s happy about that; he must be a true misanthrope.
Stranger still is the nature of Hakuoro’s inner beast: in this instance just being unarmed in a battle against Yue was enough to unleash the power and kill. That he can revert to plain Hakuoro is heartening, though.
While good in the action departments, I have to question the logic of parts of the story: why would Hakuoro have taken Eruruu into the heart of enemy territory on a mission that he knew would involve fighting many people, a mission that would involve the death of several nameless soldiers of the Tusukuru empire? Why is it that Eruruu’s greatest weakness is “hidoi power”? Why is the beast form of Hakuoro actually Evangelion Unit 04?
Mysteries lost to the ages.
Utawarerumono is good actiontacular stuff now, with more violence than we have been accustomed to in the first half. Excitement on an old school level.
And we’re never gonna banquet again
No we’re never gonna banquet again

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Yea, i was wondering what happened to karura’s injuries too, lol.
Comment by Animefan — November 7, 2007 #