Utawarerumono – episode 16
July 26, 2006 on 10:40 pm | In Utawarerumono | 2 Comments“The End of the Bloodshed”

Every time Hakuoro touches someone, I think he’s going to have sex with them. Watch out, Dori and Gura!
Hakuoro surveys the reconstruction efforts of his people and Eruruu tells the children that, by the time they are adults, there will be no wars. Sure!
Also Hakuoro has many nightmares about Yue and, because there would be no action scenes in this episode otherwise, Oboro has a duel with Benawi.
Eruruu is an intensely annoying character, not least because her name sounds so similar to her sister’s. It’s because she lies to children by telling them what she would like to believe will happen. Well, it’s not going to happen, Eruruu. Peace will never come as long as people such as yourself exist in the world, because other people will slap you. Slaps start wars.
Other than that, we see the decadence of a country in peace. “Let’s have a banquet to celebrate this duel!”
Sure. Get drunk, people of Tusukuru. When Kamyu gets thirsty and drinks you all away with the evil that being thirsty obviously indicates … I’m not going to help you.

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Oh, you’re going to see plenty of Dori and Gura in the next episode – if you know what I mean. Drunken orgies, even.
Comment by HC — July 28, 2006 #
Now I’m a little scared of ep 17 …..
Comment by Animefan — November 8, 2007 #