Nana – episode 16

July 31, 2006 on 10:52 pm | In Nana | 4 Comments

Hachi needs to stop overthinking things! That way, we can have happy smiley dramatic Ren Nana reunions!

Also I think I’m in love with Shizue Nana.

End spoiler

Hachi calls Misato to apologise for her behaviour and learns from the call that Ren was once a member of BLAST. Naturally Hachi freaks out and starts formulating plans to formulate the most romantic scheme in the world.

Ren/Stage + Nana/Front Row = Eyes Meet
Eyes Meet = Tears of Joy
Tears of Joy = Love of the Century

There’s also a slightly less noble equation in play.

Hachi orchestrating love of the century = collateral sexing from Trapnest’s Takumi.

See, Hachi knows how to think for herself.

I really appreciated Hachi doing all of the inappropriate things at work. I understand how she feels, yet the twist that her supervisor now sympathises with her slacking is funny to a high degree. If people at my office acted like Hachi, we wouldn’t have internet access. Actually, we don’t, and it’s been like that for two years. Damn you, Hachi! Spoiling the internet for the honest people in the audience!

With her reaction to the Ren situation, she took it too far. I like Hachi more than many people, but even I can’t stomach her eternal fantasizing. I understand that she’s the focus of the show, relating most of the Nana story to us through her own perspective, but maybe if we got a little bit more of the other people it would have worked for the better. When we did get some of the other people, we got some of the other people: Ren on Yasu’s doorstep, people!

Ren’s feelings remain true! Commence the love love reunion!


  1. …it’s been a while since I burst out laughing at a nosebleed scene 😀

    Be happy with Shizue Nana…Sachiko is mine.

    Comment by ojisan — August 1, 2006 #

  2. I think I’m starting to like Nana better than Paradise Kiss.

    Comment by Trip — August 3, 2006 #

  3. Starting? Go right ahead and do just that!

    Comment by Alex — August 4, 2006 #

  4. Ai Yazawa is fantastique…
    nobu and Hachi forever

    Comment by Hachico — June 29, 2007 #

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