Digimon Savers – episode 15

September 13, 2006 on 12:29 am | In Digimon Savers | 3 Comments

“Memories of my mother
Rise, MachGaogamon”

The lesson we’ve learned today is that, if you’re a giant metal grim reaper, you don’t mess with a guy’s memories of his mother’s death. You know what will happen if you do? He’ll emerge from his cocoon and his partner will evolve two levels and punch the heck out of you.

Wait, I just gave the entire episode away. Sorry about that!

In a valley full of buildings growing on the sides, our heroes are set upon by Metalphantomon. Metalphantomon captures them and exploits their dreams, but Touma will have none of this. Fight, MachGaogamon!

A simple episode that surprised me because there is no way it would be even vaguely feasible for Touma to blame himself for his mother’s death. Asking your mother to take you to a festival does not mean that it is your fault if a rampaging truck hits her. It’s not something that you can foresee, and it’s not an accident caused by your own carelessness.
The other side of the situation is that, when Touma lived with his mother, he lived in a standard house. His richness and loneliness must be his father’s legacy. We’re learning good things here.

That said and done, though, I had to wonder why the Dokugumon could fly. They’re spiders! To add insult to that injury (more of a graze), MachGaogamon isn’t very good looking.

Still, good stuff: standard Digimon Savers. Next episode completes the arc of perfect evolutions.


  1. *found this stalking Digimon Savers randomness* Really nice blog you have here. 🙂 And much gratitude to the Digimon love. d(>w

    Comment by Splash — September 15, 2006 #

  2. I just stumbled upon this website (and then onto this post). My question is: “Why are you watching a season of Digimon (isn’t that for 5-14 year olds? [If you are between that age and a computer genius, then please disregard the question]

    Comment by Akira — October 13, 2006 #

  3. If you stumble through more of the site, you’ll find that I’ve been quite articulate in regards to my feelings for Digimon. It meets all of my expectations and gives me warm feelings of guts and courage.

    Comment by Alex — October 15, 2006 #

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