Honey & Clover II – episode 10
September 13, 2006 on 12:31 am | In Honey and Clover | Comments Off on Honey & Clover II – episode 10“Once, when I was little, I saw God”

No! Yamada genocide! Noooo!
Some spoilers inside
Morita learns of Hagu-chan’s situation and abducts her.
One of the first things to strike me about this episode is that Takemoto falling out of a window in his pursuit of Morita is essentially his way of saying “I am not Morita”.
He isn’t. When I was lamenting that Takemoto might “win” Hagu-chan just by being there, I never really considered the fact that Morita being himself may be a factor in this war.
For real, and in a less creepy way than some may think, Shuu-chan is an actual member of the battle for supremacy over Hagu-chan. I believe that he’s a protective person, but that is precisely what he has to fight for: the right to look after Hagu-chan. Morita can probably offer Hagu-chan the level of care that Shuu-chan does, in addition to his almost inexplicable charisma.
When Hagu-chan and Morita were in Morita’s “secret base”, it became clearer than ever that Morita’s friends know very little about him. This is not their fault, of course, but the fact that Morita is willing to share this much of his life with Hagu-chan suggests that maybe he is ready to get serious about someone who isn’t Kaoru.
I like this idea, and particularly like that Morita is the first to suggest that it is foolish to live for only one thing. Morita on legitimate suicide watch: good stuff.
Honey & Clover continues to be good. Maybe Takemoto will “lose” now, but I have the feeling that whatever conclusion that we are offered it will feel intuitively “correct”.

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